Ep. 103 - Dr. Shannon Kearney: Ambassador & Self-Defense Advocate

January 31, 2024 00:22:15
Ep. 103 - Dr. Shannon Kearney: Ambassador & Self-Defense Advocate
Derailed Trains of Thought
Ep. 103 - Dr. Shannon Kearney: Ambassador & Self-Defense Advocate

Jan 31 2024 | 00:22:15


Show Notes

We have another awesome ATA Ambassador with us this week! Dr. Shannon Kearney talks about how she started martial arts and what drives her to continue to share her love of ATA with others. We're excited to interview another adult who started martial arts in their adult years and we hope it inspires others out there as well!

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: We're back with another ATA ambassador. Let's get started. [00:00:05] Speaker B: Sir, I will live with perseverance in the spirit of taekwondo, courtesy for fellow students, integrity within myself, and to become a black belt leader. Welcome to the ATA Nation podcast. [00:00:25] Speaker C: It. [00:00:26] Speaker A: Ladies, gentlemen, sirs, masters, instructors, ma'am, parents, all individuals out there in Ata nation, welcome back to the ATA Nation podcast. This is episode number 101. Man, we have had some great interviews recently, and we've got another great one for you today. Another individual who started martial arts as an adult, another ATM ambassador. We're really excited to have this great interview for you today. And so let's get right to it. We'll have some announcements, some other things we'll talk about afterwards. But right now, let's get right to our interview. [00:01:08] Speaker B: Special guest interview. [00:01:19] Speaker D: Here with us today. How are you, ma'am? I'm good. [00:01:22] Speaker C: Thank you so much, sir, for having me. [00:01:24] Speaker D: And we're really excited because it's your birthday today while we're recording this. So happy birthday. [00:01:30] Speaker C: Thank you. [00:01:31] Speaker D: Now, I've seen you all over Instagram and Facebook. You're doing an amazing job as an ant ambassador. But before we get to kind of what you're doing as an ambassador and whatnot, can you give us a little info on how did you get started in martial arts? [00:01:45] Speaker C: Sure. Absolutely. I got started in martial arts. I was held at gunpoint in an armed robbery in college. So it was a pretty intense situation. And a couple of months after the event happened, I was trying to come back from that situation, and my dad at the time was actually practicing with Grandmaster Caruso and very much encouraged me to get involved. And so. [00:02:16] Speaker D: What? Not the kind of way we want to get into martial arts, but it sounds like you took that and turned it into a positive then. [00:02:27] Speaker C: Absolutely. [00:02:28] Speaker D: So you say your dad was training already and has more of the family joined in? Are you kind of a martial arts family now? [00:02:40] Speaker C: Yeah, absolutely. My sister, actually, she got started back in the early 90s doing Ata. I think she ended with her blue belt. And then my father, of course, joined up, and then I joined up with him, continue to stay involved. And then I have two kids, alexander and Andrew. Alex is eight, Andrew is five. And of course, they're in the program as well under the martial arts kids, and then the ATA Tigers. So, yeah, we're in everything. [00:03:07] Speaker D: Wow, that's excellent. So you started a little later. We just had an interview with Mr. Reed as an ATA ambassador, and I just think it's really cool to be hearing from these individuals who started a little bit later in life, I had a comment from one of my students, an adult student, after she listened to the last episode and was like, oh, it's so great to hear about adults starting or whatnot. So how was that for you? I know over with grandmaster Crusoe. He's got a big adult crew, so it's probably a little less intense or a little less intimidating there than other places. But how was that for? [00:03:52] Speaker C: Well, when I started, I was in college, so to be honest, at that time, there really wasn't many people in that demographic. They either were more older and had children at the time, or they were children. So I wanted to be in it. From my experience, I was able to really gain confidence, and I like the physicality of it. I have a dance background, so it meshed and made sense for me. And I think just everyone was very welcoming. Again, like I said, there wasn't many of me. And I think as I've grown in the program and I see the different demographics, the different age groups that the at martial arts programs offer, it's fantastic, and it really does become a family. I think everybody supports one another. [00:04:42] Speaker D: Yeah. What would you say to an adult who was considering it? We've got a lot of adults that listen with their kids. They're either part of it or they've, like, we've thought about it. What would you say to an adult to be like, hey, you need to get started here? Yeah. [00:04:58] Speaker C: Well, a couple things. So first, especially speaking to the women out there, the moms in Ata nation, self defense, for me, is key. I think that anybody, woman, man child, self defense tactics, techniques, having that repertoire in your brain and being able to utilize that if the situation ever arises is key. Additionally, I know for sometimes adults, it seems a little intimidating. We are geared a lot towards competition, which is an equally important part of the ATA. But I feel that if they could just put that uniform on, get on the mat, they will feel so much better. And sometimes the hardest part is actually getting started. So taking that first step and just knowing you do have that support too, from the community behind you. [00:05:46] Speaker D: Yes, ma'am. So, self defense, super important to you, understandably. What do you think how the situation would have unfolded or had it not even happened at all, if you had had some martial arts training beforehand? What kinds of things are we learning in martial arts that could help in a situation like the one that you went through? [00:06:15] Speaker C: Sure. I mean, I do think about that often. In general, I would say having a sense of awareness. Definitely. My awareness was heightened that night. I knew what was going to happen before it happened. I had that out of body experience. But being able to react possibly in a different manner, getting your hands up, I think for me, there was a gun involved. So we do train in my academy on gun defense, and that's an intense thought and an intense experience. And even when you're practicing, to really understand what that's like is kind of missing. So I think just becoming comfortable with self defense techniques and self defense moves is key. [00:07:06] Speaker D: Yeah. And the confidence that you carry, just having known, acclimated yourself to the thought that something could happen. I need to be aware of these kind of things, I think is such an underappreciated benefit of martial arts. It's not something you can measure the same way as like, hey, I was in a fight and I won or whatnot. [00:07:33] Speaker C: Right, exactly. And it's also, I mean, for me, when I think about the ATA and there's so many different components that we are all advocating for, but at the core essence of it is self defense. So that's ultimately why we are here, what we're training and learning. [00:07:49] Speaker D: Yes, for sure. So you're one of the newer ATA ambassadors. How has that been, and what is kind of the message that you really want to share with others in the ATA and outside? [00:08:02] Speaker C: Sure. Being an ATA brand ambassador has been amazing. It has been just a great ride so far. I think, first off, being able to communicate to AtA nation, either at tournaments and seeing them in person or through this entire social media community that we have is amazing. I mean, seeing people train and get ready for their tournament, and then when they win, being able to cheer them on and congratulate them. They also share with me stories about their training, things that they're going through. And while you see the likes and the stories, there's also the private messages. And thankfully, I get a lot. And I am very blessed to have made friends through social media, through ATA, for my message. I think it kind of just coincides with what we talked about, self defense, being able to gain confidence. And I think just being able to take that forward for me, too. I'm also a doctor of public health, so I think training and having ATA is part of your life, and I think it's lifelong. So it's not just something for me. And I think that's what I really want to advocate for, that it's a little snippet of when you were a child, but you can truly carry this sport lifelong, and you move with it and you mold with it. So, yes, maybe my kicks are pretty good, I would say, but they might have been way higher when I was younger, and maybe when I'm older they won't be so high too, but at least I'm continuing to train. [00:09:34] Speaker D: Yes, dedication, it's definitely something after high school, college, I'm not playing football again. I'm not doing tackle football or anything like you might do some touch or whatnot. But martial arts is one of those things you can do basically forever, which is super cool. So you're a doctor of public health. You said, what has martial arts done in? How does that affect that? Or how does your understanding of public health bring into your martial arts? How do these tie together a little? [00:10:10] Speaker C: Sure. So, I mean, public health at its essence is looking at the health and wellness of the community. So our community, Ata nation, and I think just the way that impacts me and impacts others lives is not only do you have the exercise component of working out and feeling great, but then the mental component, that's such a big think. And for so many people, for whatever everybody out there is dealing with something. So being able to have that time where you're able to work it out mentally, and I think you kind of get out of the zone when you're in taekwondo. Then you're focused on the form, you're focused on those moves. And just releasing that in itself is, I think, a real benefit for health. [00:10:51] Speaker D: Well, for sure. I know there's lots of information out these days about the kind of a mental health crisis going on. [00:10:58] Speaker C: Absolutely. [00:10:59] Speaker D: In our country, post Covid and all those kind of things, and just being in community with other people, being physically active, all the great benefits that has for individuals mental health, for sure. [00:11:12] Speaker C: Yes, definitely. [00:11:14] Speaker D: Well, it's 2024. We're near the beginning. Most people, if they were not Ata martial artists who understand smart goal setting, which is what we do, other people probably set resolutions and they've quit by now. What do you have planned for 2024? What are some goals that you are looking for as we gear up for this year? [00:11:40] Speaker C: Sure. Well, I think, first off, when I started the year, discipline, and I know that's been our theme, too, in Ata Nation over the course of January, but being disciplined and trying to run through my form daily, it's something. Yes, I sometimes do not do it daily, so I want to really focus on it, tune it up. I'd like to continue to compete and be a real strong competitor throughout this tournament season. Of course, a title would be great, but if not, I want to at least say I got out there and I did the strongest performance that I could possibly do. Social media campaign AtA Ambassador wise, I would say continuing to stay in touch with AtA Nation, also bringing more. I've done this over January, this awareness of self defense. As the coming months continue, I want to work a little bit more on public health and how that ties in and sharing that kind of story with people. [00:12:37] Speaker D: I love that. I think I've had grandmaster Crusoe on, and I'm not sure there's a better role model for self defense in the ATA than grandmaster Crusoe. And the guy's just like a fount of knowledge with self defense, and it's something know, depending on the school and whatnot, has a little more emphasis and less emphasis. We all know that self defense is at the heart of what we do. But I love the idea of getting out there and talking about it a little bit more, making sure that we're putting a focus on it and understanding how important it can be. You've had a real life situation where this has affected you. What advice could you give just the average student who's going to class to help them think through maybe putting a little more self defense into their mental training, even maybe their physical training at their schools? Sure. [00:13:41] Speaker C: I think when you're doing your form and when you're practicing, let's use the form, for example, but it could be applied to anything else. It's very easy to lose sight of what you're actually doing. I know myself sometimes I might do it. You're so concentrated on the moves and just getting them right and the technicality of it. But what you're doing is fighting someone, you're defending against someone. So I think keeping that thought, and I think you will see your technique change, too, if you actually apply that as you're going through. [00:14:14] Speaker D: I love that. I think that's great advice, especially, like you said, it could change your techniques. And actually, a lot of times, if you know what you're doing, if you can think through it, it looks better. Yeah. [00:14:25] Speaker C: Absolutely. [00:14:26] Speaker D: Never should our forms look like a dance. It should look like a fight. It should look strong and powerful in that way. So I love that advice. That's fantastic. Before we wrap up, is there anything that you want to make sure that Ata Nation knows they think about they're challenged for 2024. [00:14:48] Speaker C: I think just making sure that everyone is well, practicing, being healthy, and also just continuing to grow our community. I think the fact that we have this massive group of people spanning all different age ranges, we're all here for each other. So competition, too. Everyone is always geared up for that against your opponent. And I think I see a lot on social media and I think continuing that campaign of, we're actually not competing against each other, competing against ourselves. Go out there, do the best you can, and just keep training. [00:15:21] Speaker D: Don't give up. I love that. It's super interesting here, your background with public health and just the ways martial arts can really help with that. I'm excited to see, as you continue as an ambassador, focusing on those different things. It's just neat to see experts in different ways show how martial arts can really affect lives in lots of areas. [00:15:48] Speaker C: Right. Thank you so much. Yes. [00:15:50] Speaker D: Well, we really appreciate your time today. I'm going to let you get back to your birthday celebrations, which I'm sure is probably working today or whatever. Exactly. More training. So again, thank you so much for your time. All right. [00:16:06] Speaker C: Thank you, sir. Take care. [00:16:08] Speaker B: Here's what's going on in Ata Nation. [00:16:17] Speaker A: Well, I want to thank Dr. Kearney again for her time, especially on her birthday. She's a great ATA ambassador, and we are just excited to see more from her as she continues to post and include people in her training. All kinds of great stuff. Now let's get to some upcoming events. I wanted to mention right away the district championship dates. These have been announced by ATA headquarters, and I'm going to go through them all right now. So you kind of have those on your schedule. Head over to atamarshallarts.com, to the event section. You can check it out. But May 31 and June 1 will be the south district in Allen, Texas. May 31 and June 1 will also be the southwest district in Glendale, Arizona. And then on the 1 June, that same weekend. But it looks like just one day. For those, we've got the Rockies district in Loveland, Colorado, and the Midwest district in Liberty, Montana, Missouri. Shows that I needed to pay a little more attention to my abbreviations in school. Now, the following weekend after that, June 7 and eigth will be, looks like about all the rest of the districts. So 7th and eigth are going to be mid America in Fort Wayne, northeast in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, southeast in Duluth, Georgia. And then just that Saturday on June, eigth will be the north district in Iowa and the eigth the Northwest district in Oregon. So all that information, locations, all of those things are on the website, atamarshallarts.com. Make sure you check that out. And of course, world championships, the tournament of champions, July 24 through the 26th out there in Phoenix. So make sure you get those on your schedule. Really important now. Also, some really cool things going on. There's the European Tour that is coming up, man. If I could make it to that, I would totally go. But there's going to be a bunch of neat travel there, and I believe you're going to get to be part of a tournament out there as well in Portugal. I believe it's going to be a class A. Let's double check that. Like I said, I very jealous. I totally want to go April 25 through May 2, and that does correspond with they've got a camp in Portugal and then their class A tournament on the 27th. If you want to head over and check that out again, Ata martial arts in the event section, you can check that out if you want to head over to Europe. I heard Chief Master Skyles just the other day said he was going, I would love to. Eight day itinerary. Fly to Portugal. You spend a day, two days in Lisbon, three days, you go to Paris for a couple of days. Oh, man. Includes round trip on the ground, transportation, hotel and breakfast daily and some of the dinners. Full time tour director, daily activities. [00:20:09] Speaker D: Man, I wish. [00:20:13] Speaker A: Anyways, check out that european tour as well and get those district championships on your calendars. Head over to atamarstelarts.com to check all that out. Now, don't forget, we've got a couple of things for you guys, specifically as podcast listeners, head over to Atama Ninja Prehab. If you want to check out a great little training thing to help you with maybe some of your injuries that you have or work on some areas to make sure that you're not getting injured. I know a lot of us martial artists, knees are big things, hips are big things. You want to make sure you're checking out shoulders. And then if you need a training outline to do some outside of your regular kicking, punching training to really bring up your athletic performance, check out Atama Ninja 2024 athlete. We'd love you to get those and head over to the private Facebook group. It's been great to have a bunch of new guys in there as well. So I think I've taken enough of your time up today, ladies and gentlemen. Make sure that you're out there taking action. [00:21:24] Speaker B: Thanks for listening to another episode of the ATA Nation podcast. Be sure to subscribe and share with your ATa family. [00:21:40] Speaker A: Secret section. I wonder how many of you guys hear the secret section. We've got a bunch of new listeners. Ata. Thank you, Ata, for posting this out, sharing it with the world. And definitely come guys and be in the Facebook group share stuff with us on Instagram. We'd love to get some feedback from you guys and hear from you. You. What do you like? Who do you want to hear interviewed? We'd love to hear from you guys who you would like to hear on the podcast. Okay, take care. Bye.

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